Clever, creative, attention-grabbing content might make an engaging read, but if it doesn’t leverage the power of search engine optimization, it might never get read. The SEO tips below are intended to make your content reach the right sets of eyes.

  1. Include internal and external links because internal links direct readers to other areas of your website. External links might also return backlinks. This boosts your site in the eyes of the search engines. The key is to never link to your competitors and to link to trustworthy sites that share your views but are not your direct competition.
  2. Leverage the SEO power of headers by adding headers to increase readability by breaking up text into easily readable chunks. Bullet points accomplish this same goal, but headers let you add SEO-optimized keywords that grab attention.
  3. Make your keywords sound as natural as possible versus making them sound forced. In other words, try to make the sentence that contains the keyword sound like regular reading. For example, if your keyword is plumbing repairs in Scarsdale, use a sentence like: Finding reliable plumbing repairs in Scarsdale is easier and more affordable than you think.  
  4. Choose keywords for your audience, not your business which means you’ll choose them based on the words your audience uses to search for you, not on the words you want them to use to search for you. Your goal, after all, is to get them to your website, not to persuade them to use your preferred terminology.
  5. Use the alt text in your images is a genius way to add SEO into every part of your content. Of all the nifty, little SEO tips in this post, this one is my favorite. Because images draw more attention than plain text, adding your keywords to your image’s alt text is a no-brainer way to increase image clicks and readership.

Try these five SEO tips to help make keywords and long-tail keywords integrate seamlessly into your copy. It also gives your writing more fluidity, enhances readability, and makes SEO optimization easier and more productive.

Give your business a competitive edge with creative, content marketing that uses the power of words to spark interest, tell stories, build relationships, and drive sales. Visit to start generating SEO-optimized content for your website, blog, or landing page.