Small business content marketing means all the words you use to promote your business in any way. It means your website, blog, ebooks, newsletters, videos, ads, social media content, and whitepapers.  Every piece of content you create for your business needs to focus on a shared goal. That means setting content marketing goals that line up with your small business goals. Once those two goals align, you’re ready to create actionable content.

The first step is to know everything you can about your target market. That means it’s crucial to know what they need and want since you can’t speak to their needs if you don’t know what they are. These additional ten tips can help you set content marketing goals that pique interest, drive engagement, and increase visits to your online presence. 

  1. Use content marketing to test new products and services
  2. Create consistency with your social media and blog posts
  3. Use content marketing to reach subsegments of your larger target market
  4. Increase awareness of your brand with hashtags and meta tags
  5. Carefully choose images to increase clicks to your online content
  6. Use SEO optimized content to boost search engine rankings
  7. Add customer testimonials to your online and offline content
  8. Host a contest to get more eyes on your content
  9. Use humorous content and images to draw people to your social media portals
  10. Partner with like-minded SBOs to create double-branded content

Your content marketing objectives are likely to include driving online traffic and engagement, turning browsers into shoppers, and educating consumers on the features and benefits of your products and services. The key to meeting all three goals is delving into your target market. Try using surveys, opinion polls, and focus groups to identify their shopping and purchasing preferences. Then make those preferences – online versus offline, physical versus virtual, pick up versus delivery – to drive your small business and content marketing goals.