Like businesses of every size, your small business has – or should have – a website. A business without a website is all but invisible these days. While a website is important, having one that never gets seen is akin to having no website at all. That’s why I’ve created this list of a dozen easy ways to drive traffic to your website.

  1. Make sure your website is easy to navigate, easy to read, and features compelling calls to action.
  2. Make sure your website isn’t so picture-heavy that it loads suuuuuper slowly. Attention spans are short and visitors will not wait.
  3. Keep your SEO up to snuff with regular checks and updates. It’s a low-cost way to drive traffic to your website.  
  4. Use your social media profiles to send traffic to your website.
  5. A robust blog featuring regular content, tips, and resources keeps visitors coming back to your website.
  6. Take advantage of guest bloggers. When well-known industry experts and social media influencers guest blog, they bring their audience with them.
  7. Use hyperlinks in your email list and newsletter to direct traffic to your small business blog and website.
  8. People read text messages and usually act on them immediately. Use the power of text message marketing to drive traffic to your website.
  9. From business cards to email signatures to social media profiles, add your website URL to absolutely everything your customers see.
  10. More people surf the web on their smartphones than on their laptops these days. Make sure your website is mobile optimized for a smooth user experience.
  11. Create a customer forum. When customers enjoy interacting with each other, they’ll flock to your platform if they can easily engage and communicate there.
  12. Choose a short, easy to remember, URL. Think of how much easier it is to invite new visitors to than to

As a small business owner, one of your goals is to create a fast, mobile friendly, SEO optimized website that draws sales and converts visits into revenue. Use the traffic generating ideas above to drive organic traffic to your website without emptying your wallet with expensive ads.