When small business owners think of low-cost marketing ideas to promote their products and services, they often think of flyers and postcards. There are many other ways to market your small business without spending a fortune. Consider these ten marketing methods that grab consumer attention without depleting your marketing budget.

  1. Community visibility is a great marketing avenue. Instead of breaking the bank to sponsor sports teams, consider collecting food and other necessities for disaster relief or encouraging your team members to volunteer for community clean up days.
  2. Volunteer to speak at career days, serve as a career coach, or mentor youth and young adults with aspirations in your area of expertise.
  3. A memorable social media profile, attention-grabbing posts, and a robust presence are low-cost marketing methods that take more time than dollars.
  4. Establishing strategic partnerships means connecting with another SBO who comes into regular contact with your ideal consumer without being your competition. When you create opportunities for cross-promotions ad cross-referrals, it doesn’t cost either of you a cent.
  5. Don’t overlook the opportunity to market to your existing client base. Offer upgrades and add-ons that increase their enjoyment and your revenue.
  6. A small business blog is a great way to share resources, news, trends, and other information your consumers appreciate. Going a step further and outsourcing your blog means your blog always has fresh, consistent content while saving time and money.
  7. Network with a purpose. Check out Facebook, Meetup, Eventbrite, and Bumble for small business networking opportunities that help you establish your brand.
  8. Use social media to offer a free, informative, downloadable whitepaper. It’s one of those low-cost marketing methods that grabs attention, boosts brand awareness, and builds your email list all at the same time.
  9. If you have the space – or have access to space that won’t cost a fortune – host a networking event, seminar, or other live event that brings your target market to you.
  10. If you don’t have space to host a live event, consider hosting an online webinar. A quick Google search will reveal a plethora of free webinar platforms you can use.

Marketing your small business doesn’t have to be expensive, but it does have to be effective. Peruse the list above and choose three low-cost marketing methods you can implement now. Come back to the comments section and let us know how they worked for your business.