If your small business is considering outsourcing its content creation and content marketing, like web copy and blog posts, you’re probably experiencing one of these frustrations:
- You don’t have enough hours in the day to get it all done (who does?)
- You have a blog, but post to it irregularly or infrequently
- You’re not engaging with your ideal clients
- Your target market doesn’t view you as their go-to expert
- Creative, engaging writing simply isn’t your strong suit
Check out these five reasons your small business should hire a professional, experienced copywriter to manage your blog content, engage with your target market, and build your small business brand.
- Writing a blog is serious business for your business. It costs more than 60% less than other marketing methods, but has a return on investment of up to three times as much.
- Content creation accounts for almost 65% of all the outsourcing dollars businesses spend.
- When you work with a professional writer, they enhance the quality of the content you share. They can help your web copy sing and make sure your blogs hit their target.
- Outsourcing content creation saves time and money because it lets you focus on what you do best, while letting the copywriter use the power of words to tell your story and compel action.
- A copywriter may just give you a whole new perspective on your business. You’ll love the fresh eye they bring to your products and services and the new directions they can help your business take.
A word of caution, though. Don’t let money be the only factor in your decision to outsource your content. Choose the best copywriter you can comfortably afford. Ask for references and referrals, samples of their work, and their going rates. You might not want the most expensive content creator, but you probably don’t want the least expensive one, either. Schedule a discovery call that lets you start building a relationship with the copywriter you choose. It will go a long way toward helping the copywriter put your company’s best foot forward.