Simply put, your ideal consumer is the specific group of people for whom you provide a solution to a problem. Try these five methods of finding those folks and drawing them to your blog and website.

  1. Find Out What Other Blogs Your Ideal Consumers Are Visiting
    Find your ideal consumer on blogs specific to your industry. These are the places you should be engaging online via guest blogging and spending your advertising dollars. How do you find out? Just ask them what other blogs they follow.
  2. Write A Review or Guest Blog For A Blog Similar To Yours
    Find a leading blog in your industry – preferably one written by a well-known person – and write an honest review of its contents. Choose a blog you enjoyed and learned a lot from so your review will be favorable. Then look (or ask) for the opportunity to guest blog.
  3. Market Your Blog On Your Website
    Your business card is your first personal point of contact. Your website is your first impersonal one. Available 24/7, your website should be written in an engaging way that draws readers to return again and again. Your website or blog is an omnipresent marketing tool. Design it wisely. Use it strategically. Monetize it quickly.
  4. Make Sure Your Social Media Profiles Are Cohesive
    Is your main profile picture the same across all your social networks? Is your logo or avatar the same on all your profiles? They don’t all have to be exact replicas of each other. Wouldn’t that be boring? Making sure the images, content, and tone of your social media are cohesive with your blog, though, makes it easier for your target market to familiarize themselves with you.
  5. Search For Tweets In Your Genre
    Use the hashtag feature to follow and track relevant tweets. Not only will you gain followers and be able to follow influential users, you’ll also be in the loop of important, concise announcements, news, and trends.

Every business owner has to market their blog. While doing so can seem overwhelming, the best marketer for your blog really is you. After all, no one knows the passion, creativity and hard work that goes into building your business better than you.